Dr Viji M

Recent Submissions

  • Karthika, S; Viji, M (Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 2024)
    Let K be a field, Q = (Q0, Q1) be a quiver and KQ be the generalised path algebra [10]. This paper gives a characterisation for the right and left modules over the path algebras of finite acyclic quiver. The study shows ...
  • Parammel, Aboobacker; Viji, M. (AIP Publishing, 2023-01)
    Functions on multiple valued logic are important tools for designing non-binary cryptographic algorithms. Cryptographic characteristics such as correlation immunity and resiliency of Boolean functions are well studied. ...
  • Karthika, S; Viji, M (Springer, 2021-06-10)
    We investigate the algebraic properties of a particular non- commutative algebra, the path algebra, associated with a quiver. Quiver was initially introduced by Peter Gabriel. In this paper, we obtain a characterization ...