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Fractional di erentiation of the product of Bessel functions of the rst kind

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dc.contributor.author Sebastian, Nicy
dc.contributor.author Gorenflo, Rudolf
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-16T06:00:31Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-16T06:00:31Z
dc.date.issued 2015-08-28
dc.identifier.citation De Gruyter (O) Volume 36 Issue 1 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.1515/anly-2015-5004
dc.identifier.uri http://starc.stthomas.ac.in:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/377
dc.description.abstract Two differential transforms involving the Gauss hypergeometric function in the kernels are consid-ered. They generalize the classical Riemann–Liouville and Erdélyi–Kober fractional differential operators.Formulas of compositions for such generalized fractional differentials with the product of Bessel functions ofthe rst kind are proved. Special cases of products of cosine and sine functions are given. The results are estab-lished in terms of a generalized Lauricella function due to Srivastava and Daoust. Corresponding assertionsfor the Riemann–Liouville and the Erdélyi–Kober fractional integral transforms are presented. Statistical in-terpretations of fractional-order integrals and derivatives are also established. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher De Gruyter (O) en_US
dc.subject Fractional di erential transforms en_US
dc.subject Bessel functions of the rst kind en_US
dc.subject generalized hypergeometric series en_US
dc.subject generalized Lauricella series in several variables en_US
dc.subject gamma Bessel density en_US
dc.title Fractional di erentiation of the product of Bessel functions of the rst kind en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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