Krishna, N; Britto, S J; Thomas, S; Mani, B; Pradeep, A K; Jithin, K V(EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 2019-11)
Two new species, Begonia bracteolata and Begonia keralensis, are described from the Western
Ghats of India. They are placed in the newly created Begonia sect. Flocciferae, along with B. albococcinea Hook. and B. floccifera ...
Thanikkal, Jibi G.; Dubey, Ashwani Kumar; Thomas, M. T.(Wireless Personal Communications, 2023-04-21)
In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the world is looking for immunity-boosting techniques for fghting against coronavirus. Every plant is medicine in one or another way, but
Ayurveda explains the uses of plant-based ...
Khan, Afsana; Anto, P V; Antony, Ignatius(HORIZON e-Publishing Group, 2023-10-15)
The eusporangiate fern Ophioglossum brings some uncertainty among taxonomists while identifying the species. Therefore, a combined approach by
considering the spore morphology and other morphological characters is
more ...
A new species of Parthenocissus, P. wallichianus is described and illustrated
from Kerala, India. This taxon was found and collected previously from India
but misunderstood by earlier Indian botanists for names under ...
Thanikkal, Jibi G; Dubey, Ashwani Kumar; Thomas, M. T.(International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2022-10)
In Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal plant identification system is based on the morphological comparison of leaf, fruit, flower, root, stem etc. Botanists use morphometrics for aquatic and semi-aquatic medicinal plants ...
Impatiens arunachalensis, a new species of Impatiens is described from the Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India. Detailed descriptions, distribution, and discussion of ecology along with colour ...
Anto Puthur Varghese; Pradeep AK; Francis Franklin; Nimmi C Dominigose; Hari Sasidharan(College of Life Science, 2018-05-17)
A new species of Vitaceae from Kerala, India, Parthenocissus renukae Anto & Pradeep is described and illustrated.The species resembles P. semicordata Planch. and Cissus aristata Blume in certain morphological characters.It ...
Impatiens rufescens var. agastyamalayensis was described based on a herbarium specimen of C.A. Barber collected in 1901 from Agastyamala. It has now been rediscovered from the same locality after more than a century. Present ...
In 2015, during a floristic expedition in northeastern India, a population of an unusual Zingiber Miller (1754: 525) was found near Durga Mandir, between Bomdilla and Balukpong, in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh. ...
Joe, Alfred; Hareesh, Vadakkoot Sankaran; Sabu, Mamiyil(National Taiwan University & Biodiversity Association of Taiwan, 2017-10-05)
Lysionotus gamosepalus var. biflorus, a new variety from northeastern India is described and illustrated with photographs. Information on its ecology is provided. The new taxon is morphologically similar to L. gamosepalus ...
Hareesh, VS; Joe, A; M, Sabu(Magnolia Press, 2017-06-16)
A new species of Ophiorrhiza is described from Arunachal Pradesh, North-East India. Ophiorrhiza debiana is compared with O. cordata, a Chinese species. Detailed description, distribution, ecology, phenology and relevant ...
Thanikkal, Jibi G; Dubey, Ashwani Kumar; Thomas, MT(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
Studies on plant identification through image processing consider shape, color and texture features of leafs. But botanist's uses leaf morphology, leaf arrangement, types of venation, leave shapes, leave bases, leaf margins ...
Thanikkal, Jibi G; Dubey, Ashwani Kumar; Thomas, MT(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)
Accuracy in identification of any plant is achieved by understanding and extracting the plant features. Image processing techniques has gained interest in identifying the plants in realist and accurate manner. Among them, ...
Henckelia collegii-sancti-thomasii, a new species of Henckelia is described here from Nirijuli, Papum Pare district of Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. Detailed description, its habitat and ecology along with color ...
Anto, Puthur Varghese; Reshma, Ashok(National Taiwan University & Biodiversity Association of Taiwan, 2017-11-10)
Eriocaulon pradeepii, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from Kayambovum, Thrissur, Kerala, India, is described and illustrated here. The new species is closely allied with E. cristatum, but differs in having subequal petals ...
Joby, Paul; Rogimon, P Thomas; Nisha, P(Wiley online library, 2016-08-25)
Murdannia nampyana sp. nov. (Commelinaceae), collected from a marshy riparian area by the Kadambrayar River, near Bhramapuram Diesel Power Project, Kakkanad, Ernakulam district, Kerala is described. The new species can be ...
Mode of reproduction is generally considered to have long-range evolutionary implications on population survival. Because sexual reproduction produces genetically diverse genotypes, this mode of reproduction is predicted ...
In image processing, leaf shape recognition requires a huge database of similar images. Normal leaf image database construction requires more time and space. On the other hand, mobile offline applications are not able to ...
The pericarp of Myristica fragrans fruit extract was utilized for a low cost, eco-friendly synthesis of silver (AgNPs) and copper oxide (CuONPs) nanoparticles. The aqueous fruit extract of the plant was used as reducing ...