Ultra structural characters of second instar larvae of Hemipyrellia ligurriens areelucidated through micrographs (Scanning Electron Microscope). Morphological details of maxillarypalpi, antennae, oral cirri, facial mask, labial lobe, spinulations, and papillae of anal segment aredescribed. Oral cirri are ten in number, arranged bilaterally on each side of the functional mouthopening and gently curved medially. The labial lobes are distinctively demarcated with fleshyprojections antero–ventrally and have a characteristic shape. Thoracic spines have a bulbous base,slender sharp tips and are directed backwards. Prominent dorsal and ventral anal papillae withprojected tips and broad conical base were present surrounded by microtrichia. The ultrastructuredetails of H. ligurriens would help in the rapid and accurate identification of the species in forensicinvestigations and to estimate time since death in medico legal cases. This is the first report on theultra-structural features of H. ligurriens. © 2021 Association for Advancement of Entomology