Supercapacitors, designed to store more energy and be proficient in accumulatingmore energy than conventional batteries with numerous charge−discharge cycles, have beendeveloped in response to the growing demand for energy. Transition metal carbides/nitrides calledMXenes have been the focus of researchers’ cutting-edge research in energy storage. The 2D-layeredMXenes are a hopeful contender for the electrode material due to their unique properties, such ashigh conductivity, hydrophilicity, tunable surface functional groups, better mechanical properties, andoutstanding electrochemical performance. This newly developed pseudocapacitive substance benefitselectrochemical energy storage because it is rich in interlayer ion diffusion pathways and ion storagesites. Making MXene involves etching the MAX phase precursor with suitable etchants, but differentetching methods have distinct effects on the morphology and electrochemical properties. It is anoverview of the recent progress of MXene and its structure, synthesis, and unique properties. There isa strong emphasis on the effects of shape, size, electrode design, electrolyte behavior, and othervariables on the charge storage mechanism and electrochemical performance of MXene-basedsupercapacitors. The electrochemical application of MXene and the remarkable research achievements in MXene-based compositesare an intense focus. Finally, in light of further research and potential applications, the challenges and future perspectives thatMXenes face and the prospects that MXenes present have been highlighted.