Investigation on the distribution patterns and habitat requirements of the butterflytribe, Troidini was carried out in undisturbed forest habitats and disturbed, human-modiûed habitatsin the Western Ghats, a ...
Johansson, Frank; Hedström, Tobias Kollberg; Anderson, R. Charles; Divakaran, Prathapan K.; Kakkassery, Francy K.(Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2021-09-21)
Animals which migrate by flying should be subject to selection for optimal wing characteristics
that maximize energy efficiency during migration. We investigated wing shape and wing area
variation in the Globe Skimmer ...
Taxonomic studies of dragonfly nymphs were done up to species level using their exuviae.Exuviae, being the last instar larval skin, possess all larval features. These features can be used for theidentification of odonate ...
: Seventeen species of blow fly belonging to four subfamilies and eight genera were recorded
from Kerala based on field studies and literature. Out of the 17 species, seven are forensically significant,
six are pollinators ...
Feeding behaviour of Myrmeleon pseudohyalinus (Holzel, 1972) larvae was studied in
sand and soil media for second and third instars, and at two hunger levels (fed/starved) in laboratory
conditions. Common ant Anoplolepis ...
Studies on the development rate of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) suggested thatthe blowfly as a significant candidate for forensic investigations. Under natural ambient conditionsdevelopment rate of C. ...
Vinaya, K.; Binoy, C.F.(Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society, 2022-11-26)
Field studies were carried out to assess the foraging activity and the breeding system of Avicennia officinalis L. in Chettuwa, Thrissur, India during the two flowering seasons of 2018–2019. A. officinalis, also known as ...
Ultra structural characters of second instar larvae of Hemipyrellia ligurriens areelucidated through micrographs (Scanning Electron Microscope). Morphological details of maxillarypalpi, antennae, oral cirri, ...
Usha, A.U; Jose, Joyce; Roby, T.J.(Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2021-09-30)
Bagworms (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) are sexually dimorphic polyphagous insects with a unique life cycle. Eumeta
crameri is a common species of bagworm in Kerala, India. This paper documents the distribution mapping of ...
Krishnapriya, P. D.; Binoy, C. F.(Entomon, 2020-03-31)
The abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in the Marottichal tropical deciduousforest and Kodungallur mangrove habitat of Thrissur District were studied. A total of 98 speciesbelonging to 15 orders and ...
The riparian Odonate insect diversity of the midstream Chalakudy River at six locations assessed from February 2018 to January 2019 has revealed the occurrence of 25 species of odonates. Among them,10 species are dragonflies ...
Sphecoid wasps, superfamily Apoidea, series Spheciformes with 9706 species in the world come under 318 genera. The life histories of Spheciformes include hunting strategies and solitary to communal nesting to eusociality. ...
Migration of five species of butterflies viz., Appias albina darada C. & R. Felder, A. wardii Moore, A. indra shiva winhoe, Cepora nadina remba Moore and Graphium sarpedon teredon Felder were recorded during February 2000 ...
Roby, TJ; Jose, Joyce; Vijayakumaran Nair, P(Indian Academy of Science, 2018-04-25)
The vegetation of Myristica swamp forests in Kulathupuzha, southern Kerala, India, was examined with reference to floristic composition, structure and diversity. Quadrates of 100*10 m were laid inside (17) and outside the ...
We update the distribution of the little known Captain's Wood Snake (Xylophis captaini) in the Western Ghats, based on new observations and collation of the literature. The Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm was used to ...
Kryptoglanis shajii was recently described from a public well in Kerala, India. Its systematic position among cat- fishes has remained unresolved partly due to lack of morphological information. We present here a detailed ...
The species abundance distribution (SAD) utilizes all the information gathered in a community and is the most complete mathematical description of the data. Myristica swamp forests are an endemic, highly fragmented ecosystem, ...
Genetic variation in the casein loci of Mus musculus (8 different strains) and Mus spretus was examined as restriction fragment length variants (RFLVs) using 5 restriction enzymes, BamHI, SftI, EcoRI, XbaI and HindIII. No ...